Twelve days left!
Less than 2 weeks to go and we’re well on track. We have 43 supporters and have raised almost 75% of our goal of $5,000. Thank you to everyone who has contributed. We’re super excited to be at the Monadnock Food Co-op this Friday night for TLC Monadnock Night. Please join us if you can, there will of course be sausage samples.
Sweet Beet sausage
We are working diligently on the next round of our Local Sausage. If you haven’t noticed, there’s not a lot of local produce being grown right now, but we were able to source some Picadilly Farm beets from the root cellar to create a brilliant Sweet Beet sausage. Pork, beets, garlic, parsley, salt and pepper. Our test batch was a nice beet red color and kid approved (ours anyways).
Is it Spring Yet?
Our first four litters of 2017 are on the ground (and in the mud). Next two litters are due to come in early May. Everyone is hoping that the ground dries out and the temperatures warm up so we can get the pigs out on some green grass, and let the winter paddocks recover a little.