Apparently something is going on with eggs, because all of the sudden we can’t keep them in stock. The larger egg industry is having supply issues because of avian influenza, which has caused prices in the grocery store to skyrocket, which in turn appears to have caused our egg demand to go way up.
We get eggs delivered every Thursday from our main supplier, Five Sigma Farm. Thankfully they have not been impacted by avian influenza, but they have only a limited number of chickens that can’t satisfy this increased demand. I’ve debated different strategies to get eggs to our loyal customers, but so far haven’t come up with a good solution that works for our set-up.

Currently in Stock:
Pork – Archway Farm
- Bologna
- Pulled Pork
- Porchetta
- Salami Cotto
- Smoked Bacon
- Smoked Ham & Hocks
- Meatloaf
- Bacon Pork Burgers
- Bratwurst links
- Breakfast bulk
- Cotechino links
- Hot Italian bulk
- Merguez links
- Mexican Chorizo bulk
- Sweet Italian bulk
- Ground Pork
- Loin Roasts
- Pork Chops
- Shoulder Roasts
- Spareribs
- Fresh Belly
- Variety Meats (Jowls, Hocks, Bones, Kidneys, Leaf Lard, Fatback)
Other Frozen
- Chicken – Archway Farm: Whole Birds, Cuts, Ground & Sausage
- Turkey – Archway Farm: Ground
- Beef – Echo Farm, Snug Valley Farm: Ground & Cuts
- Lamb – Five Sigma Farm: Ground & Cuts
- Fish – Svenfish: haddock, salmon, other random fish
- Gelato – Frisky Cow Gelato: Belgian Chocolate, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, Coffeehouse Chip, Mint Owl Crunch, Strawberry, Vanilla Stracciatella (chocolate chip), Salted Caramel
- Bread – Beni’s bread
- Cheese
- Eggs – Chicken
- Fermented – Sauerkraut, Kimchi
- Milk – Manning Hill Farm
- Pudding – Echo Farm Puddings
- Coffee – Terra Nova
- Maple Syrup
- OWL Energy Bars
- Preserves & Mustards – Cunningjams & Cheshire Garden
Coming Soon:
- Honey
- Carnitas