Our 17th litter of 2019 was born this past week. Our average number of piglets per litter is around 7 so far this year, compared to 9 last year. A lot of that is due to us bringing in some new breeding stock that hasn’t performed as expected. I think we’ve identified the issue and got a solution in the works but over 17 litters that adds up to a lot of pigs.

Currently in Stock:
Pork – Archway Farm
- Bacon
- Smoked Ham (steaks, quarters, ends)
- Maple Breakfast Bulk
- Sweet Italian Bulk & Links
- Hot Italian Links
- Beer Bratwurst Links
- Smoked Chorizo Links
- Smoked Kielbasa Links
- Spareribs
- Shoulder Roast (whole)
- Variety Meats (Jowls, Fresh Hocks, Trotters, Liver, Hearts, Kidneys, Leaf Lard, Fatback)
Beef – Moody Farms: Ground, Patties
Chicken – Vernon Family Farm: Thighs
Lamb – Edgefield Farm: Ground
Potatoes – Archway Farm
Eggs – Crooked Creek Hollow Farm
Gelato – Frisky Cow Gelato: Belgian Chocolate, Coconut Almond Chip, Coffeehouse Chip, Strawberry, Sweet Maple Cream, Vanilla Stracciatella (chocolate chip)
Pudding – Echo Farm Puddings: Butterscotch, Chocolate, Rice, Vanilla
Raw Milk – Flying Cloud Dairy
Maple Syrup – Faber Family Sugarhouse
Herbal Wellness Products – Modern Herbal
Other –
- Lard Soap: made with our own lard
Coming in soon:
- Pork Chops, Small Shoulder Roasts, Tenderloin: September
- Smoked Cheddar Bratwurst: TBD