Archway Farm Awarded Top Animal Welfare Certification

The pigs at Archway Farm in Keene, NH  are now certified as Animal Welfare Approved (AWA) by A Greener World. This certification and food label lets consumers know these animals are raised in accordance with the highest animal welfare standards in the U.S. and Canada, using sustainable agriculture methods on an independent family farm.  Archway Farm is the first farm in Cheshire County to achieve this certification.

Like other AWA farmers across the country, we recognize the growing consumer interest in how animals are being raised.  Raising animals outdoors on pasture has known benefits to animals, consumers, and the environment. We applied for AWA certification to help distinguish Archway Farm products from other products on the market. Animal welfare and sustainability are top priorities for our farm, and AWA is the gold standard. For our customers that can’t visit the farm, this certification gives them comfort that our animals are humanely raised.

Animal Welfare Approved logo

Animal Welfare Approved audits, certifies, and supports farmers raising their animals according to the highest welfare standards, outdoors on pasture or range. Called a “badge of honor for farmers” and the “gold standard,” AWA is the most highly regarded food label in North America when it comes to animal welfare, pasture-based farming, and sustainability. All AWA standards, policies and procedures are available on the AWA website, making it the most transparent certification available.​

Animal Welfare Approved’s Online Directory of AWA farms, restaurants and products enables the public to search for AWA farms, restaurants and products by zip code, keywords, products and type of establishment. In addition, AWA has published Food Labels Exposed, a regularly updated guide to commonly used food claims and terms, available free for download at

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