We got a whole cows worth of grass fed beef from Snug Valley Farm this week. New items include beef kielbasa and kebab meat. We also restocked a lot of the steaks and stew meat that we had run out of.
We are scheduled to cut two lambs from Five Sigma Farm in Sullivan the beginning of next week. Send us a note if you have any special requests.

Currently in Stock:
Pork – Archway Farm
- Smoked Ham (Steaks & Ends Friday afternoon)
- Bacon (Sliced & Ends Friday afternoon)
- Ground Pork
- Smoked Kielbasa links
- Archway Breakfast bulk
- Archway Mexican Chorizo bulk
- Archway Sweet links
- Coppa Steaks
- Pork Chops
- Fresh Belly
- Loin Roasts
- Shoulder Roasts
- Variety Meats (Jowls, Fresh Hocks, Kidneys, Bones, Leaf Lard, Fatback)
Other Frozen
- Chicken – Archway Farm: Whole & Halves
- Beef – Snug Valley Farm: Cuts, Sunnycroft Farm: Ground
- Lamb – Edgefield Farm: Cuts
- Gelato – Frisky Cow Gelato: Belgian Chocolate, Coconut Almond Chip, Coffeehouse Chip, Mint Owl Crunch, Strawberry, Vanilla Stracciatella (chocolate chip), Salted Caramel
- Pizza Dough – The Bread Shed
- Cheese
- Eggs – Chicken and Duck
- Fermented – Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Sriracha
- Milk – Manning Hill Farm
- Pudding – Echo Farm Puddings
- Vegetables – Picadilly Farm Beets & Parsnips; Basin Farm Carrots & Potatoes
- Coffee – Terra Nova
- Honey
- Maple Syrup – Crescendo Acres Farm
- Preserves & Mustards – Cheshire Garden
Coming Soon: