We continue to have to carefully manage what we have in stock versus what we get made when we send pigs to the butcher. Overall it’s a good problem to have as most everything stays “fresh”, but again we will probably run out of a few things in the next couple weeks (sweet italian and smoked chorizo links).
Leo helped me with some long overdue tractor maintenance this week. School vacation week has been a reminder for me that summer is coming and very soon I’m going to have a lot more help.
Currently in Stock:
Pork – Archway Farm
- Bacon (Sliced, Ends)
- Ham (Quarters, Steaks, Ends)
- Ground Pork
- Maple Breakfast Bulk
- Sweet Italian Bulk & Links (low supply of links)
- Hot Italian Links
- Smoked Kielbasa Links
- Smoked Cheddar Bratwurst Links
- Smoked Chorizo Links (low supply)
- Pork Chops (bone-in)
- Spare Ribs
- Butt Roast
- Fresh skinless bellies – 2 lbs
- Whole fresh bellies
- Sweet Sopressata Dry Salami
- Chorizo Seco Dry Salami
- Finocchiona Dry Salami
- Variety Meats (Jowls, Fresh Hocks, Trotters, Liver, Hearts, Kidneys, Leaf Lard, Fatback)
Beef – Moody Farms:
- Ground
Chicken – Vernon Family Farm:
- Boneless Breast, Drumsticks, Thighs
Lamb – Brookfield Farm
- Ground
Eggs – Crooked Creek Hollow Farm
Gelato – Frisky Cow Gelato
- Belgian Chocolate, Coffeehouse Chip, Strawberry, Sweet Maple Cream, Vanilla Stracciatella (chocolate chip)
Pudding – Echo Farm Puddings
- Butterscotch, Chocolate, Tapioca
Other –
- Lard Soap: made with our own lard
Coming in soon:
- Sweet Italian Links: May ETA
- Hot Dogs: May ETA