Beni’s Bread – We are excited to report that we now have Beni’s Bread in our farm stand. We had Beni himself here for the June Farm Night and plan to start carrying his bread going forward. We have it in the freezer to keep it fresher, and have simple instructions posted on how to best thaw. Beni doesn’t have much of an online presence, but this article gives a good intro to his operation: Beni’s Bread
Our farmstand got a face lift over the last couple weeks, to make it look a little less like a three car garage built in the 1970’s, which it is. We also wrapped up the driveway construction by installing a box culvert to keep improving our drainage situation.

Currently in Stock:
Pork – Archway Farm
- Bacon (Sliced, Slab)
- Ham (Ends – low supply)
- Maple Breakfast Bulk
- Sweet Italian Bulk
- Hot Italian Links
- Smoked Kielbasa Links
- Smoked Cheddar Bratwurst Links
- Pork Chops (bone-in 1.5″)
- Tenderloin
- Butt Roast
- Sweet Sopressata Dry Salami
- Finocchiona Dry Salami
- Variety Meats (Jowls, Fresh Hocks, Trotters, Liver, Hearts, Kidneys, Leaf Lard, Fatback)
Beef – Moody Farms:
- Ground, Patties, Steaks, Stew Beef
Chicken – Vernon Family Farm:
- Boneless Breast, Thighs
Lamb – Brookfield Farm
- Ground
Raw Milk – Flying Could Dairy, Alstead, NH
Eggs – Crooked Creek Hollow Farm
Gelato – Frisky Cow Gelato
- Belgian Chocolate, Coffeehouse Chip, Strawberry, Sweet Maple Cream, Vanilla Stracciatella (chocolate chip), Coconut Almond Chip
Pudding – Echo Farm Puddings
- More coming this Saturday…
Bread – Beni’s Bread
Other –
- Lard Soap: made with our own lard
Coming in soon:
- Sweet Italian Sausage Links: early July
- Ground Pork: early July
- Spareribs: early July
- Smoked Chorizo Links: July